Real Estate Portfolio Analysis

Ground Level will provide you with ongoing review and maximization of your current holdings, including return on equity (ROE) and cash flow management, risk assessment and progress toward goals.

Real Estate Portfolio Analysis

Ground Level's comprehensive portfolio analysis includes:

  • Review of current holdings, current management company, general maintenance issues, neighborhood and regional influences, personal satisfaction with each property and portfolio as a whole;
  • Creating ROE sheet, net worth, retirement goals and trajectory, portfolio cash flow analysis, building-specific cash flow analysis, personal budget creation or review, assessment of risk tolerance;
  • Fine-tuning, management and alteration of holdings, combining personal budget needs, retirement goals and risk tolerance while maximizing ROE;
  • Monthly meetings about maintenance issues, maintaining cash flow, and how to manage the property management company;
  • Quarterly or biannual assessment of all holdings to review actual ROE, current net worth, cash flow,  and general maintenance issues, followed by the creation of new action plans and strategies to maintain growth while meeting goals.