Real Estate Portfolio Management

Real Estate Portfolio Management

Ground Level will take over the chore of managing your real holdings and tracking each building's property management company to maximize their performance. You can simply collect the checks and relax in the knowledge that the long-term growth and stability of your investments is under the stewardship of a trustworthy and accountable caretaker.

We will hold initial meetings to:

  • Review current holdings, current management company, general maintenance issues, neighborhood and regional influences, personal satisfaction with each property and portfolio as a whole;
  • Create ROE sheet, net worth, retirement trajectory, portfolio cash flow analysis, building-specific cash flow analysis, personal budget creation or review and assessment of risk tolerance;
  • Discuss fine-tuning the management of existing holdings, combining personal budget needs, retirement goals and risk tolerance while maximizing REO;
  • Switch over all management statements to be mailed directly to GLC and establish authorization of GLC to act as your representative with all management companies.

Ongoing management of your portfolio includes:

  • Weekly interactions with each management company, handling all concerns such as maintenance and tenant issues;
  • Monthly review and analysis of all buildings' management statements and redirection to management company as needed, ensuring monthly checks are sent to you;
  • Monthly or quarterly phone meetings with you to provide updates and address any suggestions, concerns or questions you may have;
  • Biannual assessment of all holdings to review actual REO, current net worth, cash flow and general maintenance issues, followed by the creation of new action plans and strategies as necessary to maintain growth and meet goals.