Be a Featured Speaker and Advertise on the "Ask Christina First" Radio Program!
Your company now has the opportunity to advertise affordably on Christina Suter's weekly radio program that targets a growing audience of small business owners. What's more, YOU can promote yourself as an expert and be interviewed as a Featured Guest on "Ask Christina First," which airs Thursdays at 8am and 2pm Pacific Time on Details provided below.
- Radio network reaches up to 3.5 million listeners nationwide through its live online programming.
- The Amazing Woman of Power station, home to "Ask Christina First," has its own iTunes channel.
- Selected airings are available as podcasts.
- Be on the same station as #1 Google-ranked, award-winning radio host Raven Blair Davis's "Careers from the Kitchen Table" show; Raven's high-profile guests have included Montel Williams, Brian Tracy, Jack Canfield, Diana Nightingale, and Ali Brown.
- Share airspace with other programs that target your same audience of business owners, such as Carrie Sharpshair's "Simple Strategic Success Talk," Lynn Hidy's "Sales Coaching Over Coffee," and Kylie Nation's "Think Big Business Radio."
PACKAGE 1 - $497
This deluxe advertising package includes two 25-minute interviews by Christina Suter, airing on "Ask Christina First" over two consecutive weeks, plus broadcasting your commercial 11 times total over 11 weeks.
• Two (2) pre-recorded, 25-minute interviews by Christina Suter to air on "Ask Christina First" business radio program at (twice each Thursday)
• Professional production of 30-second commercial with music
• Eleven (11) airings of 30-second promotion (3 weeks in advance, 2 weeks during the shows, 6 weeks following)
• Promotion as Featured Speaker on Christina's Ground Level Consulting blog, Facebook page and e-mail list
• Copy of MP3 file of interview for your own use 4 weeks after show airs
• Copy of 30-second promotion for your own use 4 weeks after show airs
PACKAGE 2 - $375
This package includes one 25-minute interview by Christina Suter, airing on "Ask Christina First" over two consecutive weeks, plus broadcasting your commercial 8 times total over 8 weeks.
• One (1) pre-recorded, 25-minute interview by Christina Suter to air on "Ask Christina First" business radio program at (twice each Thursday)
• Professional production of 30-second commercial with music
• Eight (8) airings of 30-second promotion (3 weeks in advance, 1 week during the show, 4 weeks following)
• Promotion as Featured Speaker on Christina's Ground Level Consulting blog, Facebook page and e-mail list
• Copy of MP3 file of interview for your own use 4 weeks after show airs
• Copy of 30-second promotion for your own use 4 weeks after show airs
12 Airings – $275 (one free bonus airing)
8 Airings – $200
6 Airings – $150
• Professional production of 30-second promotion with music
• Weekly airing of 30-second commercial during "Ask Christina First" business radio program at (twice each Thursday)
• Copy of 30-second promotion for your own use after final broadcast