"Dear Christina,
As your second term on the board of directors for New Energy Institute, and your leadership as chairman of the board comes to a close, I find myself faced with sadness and gratitude. The sadness is, of course, about the loss of your phenomenal leadership and contribution to our organization. I am pleased that you will be willing to stay on as an adviser.
There are several things I want to thank you for.
First and foremost, you were there with me right from the beginning, when NEI was only a vague concept in my mind. You were able to understand my vision and help me associate that vision with the real-life action steps and components that were necessary to get it off the ground.
This year has been a watershed for us in terms of our successful projects and our international outreach. You have as much reason to take credit for and celebrate that success and achievement as any of us. You've helped me identify the business matters that were important to understand - often matters that were beyond my limited range of experience and awareness.
We've had a few minor conflicts that have arisen through the normal course of business. You've also been an incredible asset in these matters. In all cases, you've helped to delicately and gracefully resolve and de-escalate them.
Forever in your debt,
Steve B. Krivit
New Energy Institute