You are a conscious-minded business owner and your small business is about you fulfilling your purpose.
A business is many things and foremost, a business is you; it doesn't exist without you. Your talent within your industry and the years of work you've put into learning and applying your talent is what makes your business. Conscious-minded business owners (people who believe that running their business is part of their purpose in life) is my niche and the more specific you get about what your niche is, the more likely you will be to naturally pull to you the clients who see that what you offer is of value.
Your business is a series of business systems:
1. Product
2. Customer service
3. Systemic systems
4. Team management
5. Time management
6. Marketing
7. Finance
8. Leadership
9. Forecasting and trends
10. Vision and strategic purpose
Being an entrepreneur doesn't mean you don't or can't have fun. When you embrace that running your business is part of your purpose and doing the systems I've listed is part of that business, you will find that you enjoy running your business. You started in your business because you love the work in that industry but it is hard work.
I recently hired a man to trim the trees at my house. When it was time to pay him he told me not to give him a check because he'd end up misplacing it and I'd eventually have to cancel it and reissue him another check. He told me instead, to wait until the person who handles accounts in his office billed me and then send them the check. His passion, his work was the landscaping, the beautifying of the trees. He knew it was important to have a system in place for payment, but he also knew that system wasn't his strong suit.
Being a business owner is about being a leader, a leader who made promises. You promised employees, customers, to yourself, and you promised to fulfill your purpose, and systems is what keep your business running. Over the next few weeks I will be talking more about leadership and the elements listed above and what areas you may be neglecting.