Articles by author: Christina Suter
Radio: Delegation & Your Leadership Style
Are you the manager always looking over the shoulder of your employees, expecting your staff to be mini versions of you, and checking in so many times that you could have just done the project yourself? Do you micro-manage?
Tune in today, Thursday, March 19, 2019, at 8 AM and 2 PM PST on to listen to the Ask Christina First Radio Show.
Good Hearted Business Owner & Leadership
The first principle of leadership I'm going to suggest to you is leadership of yourself. You want to take on and challenge the belief that you cannot be a good-hearted business owner and earn money. That you want to challenge the belief that you can't be kind to your employees while keeping them accountable, or that you can't be a good person and do marketing or be sales-y. If you hold any of those beliefs, my first challenge is to take those beliefs on and take on personal accountability for your personal growth in that area. Take on a personal willingness to get out of your own way and to be a leader on the face of this planet. Your purpose is about you being a leader in your family, business, and your own life, which includes a willingness to be right or wrong. Your "yes" and "no" make a difference, be willing to stand behind what the outfall is from making a yes or no decision.
Radio: Good Hearted Business Owner & Leadership
Your purpose is about you being a leader in your family, business, and your own life, which includes a willingness to be right or wrong. Your "yes" and "no" make a difference, be willing to stand behind what the outfall is from making a yes or no decision.
Tune in today, Thursday, March 12, 2019, at 8 AM and 2 PM PST on to listen to the Ask Christina First Radio Show.
The Currency Of Employment
Your employees and independent contractors relate to you similar to the manner that a child does to a parent. You pay them, you provide their financial stability, so, they are dependent on you. If you are a business owner who divulges too much information, whether about the business or your personal life, you run the risk of crossing boundaries.
Radio: The Currency of Employment
Most entrepreneurs have close relationships with their employees and want to be friends with their employees. What's important to understand in the business relationship between employees and owners is the difference between being friendly and being friends with your employees.
Tune in to the Ask Christina First Radio Show today, Thursday, March 5, 2016 on at 8am and 2pm PT
Interview with David Thompson
David Thompson is a former corporate manager who started Thompson Investing, which provides investors opportunities to invest with experienced operators in MF apartments, self-storage and manufactured home parks. David is a real estate expert, but the thing I trust most about him, and why I recommend people to him, is due to his integrity. David said his interest in finance began early and in college as one of his first programs was in financial planning.
Radio: Interview with David Thompson
David Thompson spent over 20 years in high-tech management positions at Dell, AT&T, and Lucent Technologies. At Lucent he managed a $2.5B investment portfolio and raised over $1B in funds for acquisitions. After leaving the corporate world, David started Thompson Investing which provides investors opportunities to invest with experienced operators in MF apartments, self-storage and manufactured home parks.
Tune in today, Thursday, February 27, 2020 at 8 am and 2pm PST to listen to the Ask Christina First Radio Show at to listen to my full interview with David Thompson.
Why Employees Leave Part 2
Owners of even the smallest business have someone who helps them, whether it's a spouse, friend, editor, or site developer. Those people, if paid, are your employees. Career experts suggest looking at the position you're trying to fill as though you are the employee who is contemplating on whether to apply for your listed position or not. There was an article in the LA Times Oct 21, 2012, titled, 'Beware: Warning Signs when Choosing Next Job' that suggested using the following questions as the basis for your job research:
Radio: Why Employees Leave Part 2
Owners of even the smallest business have someone who helps them, whether it's a spouse, friend, editor, or site developer. Those people, if paid, are your employees. Career experts suggest looking at the position you're trying to fill as though you are the employee who is contemplating on whether to apply for your listed position or not.
Tune in today, Thursday, February 20, 2020, at 8 am and 2pm PST to listen to the Ask Christina First Radio Show at
Why Employees Leave
I read an article that included some statistical information on why people move on from their jobs and I thought it worth sharing. According to the article on, the primary reason people change jobs is due to downsizing or restructuring.