Why Employees Leave
I read an article that included some statistical information on why people move on from their jobs and I thought it worth sharing. According to the article on www.hrmorning.com, the primary reason people change jobs is due to downsizing or restructuring.
Second and third, making up 47% of the reason people change jobs were reasons due to ineffective leadership (25%) and having a poor relationship with their management (22%). That means that the top two reasons, that are within the control of the employee, that people leave their jobs have to do with their manager or leadership.
How do you handle relationships with your employees? You can hire the right people and pay them a lot of money but if you don't relate well to them, if you can't manage them well, if they don't fit the culture of the company well, and if you don't know how to work with them, none of the matters.
An L.A. Times article offered the following few tips to help make you a great manager: (LA Times Oct 21, 2012)
1. To gain respect from your employees, know the business and the individual's job. Employees respect managers who know what they're doing.
2. Acknowledge their work and have an honest respect for their work. Offer up praise and inquire about what they learned in the process. This shows an interest in their growth and work and affirms the hard work they've put into succeeding.
3. Have an open-door policy and when you can actually leave the door open. Eliminate the physical barrier between the boss and the employee and let it be clear that you are available. There are times when you need to close your door, but whenever possible, leave the door open to ensure employees know you are interested and want to help.
4. Take an interest in your employees without overstepping boundaries. Make an effort to learn something personal about each employee outside. Inquire about a new family photo you notice on their desk and then get back to business. Keep the lines between being friends and being friendly, clear. Also, don't bring your employees into your personal life. Don't make them have to sit through hearing about your financial problems, or asking them to babysit for you.
If employee retention of good workers is important to you, you must do the work of investing in them as people and as employees. make yourself available, be friendly, and acknowledge their work. The more open the lines of communications are, within boundaries, the less likely you'll be to have to replace good employees.