Business Issues
Radio: Working Capital & Your Business Pt. 1
Your bottom line is the one thing that can make or break your business. If you run your business at a negative bottom line, eventually you will have to close it. If you're a self-funding small business owner you have to find someone to help fund your business.
Tune in today, Thursday, December 12, 2019, at 8 am and 2pm PST to listen to the Ask Christina First Radio Show on
Be An Expert In Your Field & Stop Hiding
As a conscious-minded or good-hearted business owner, you might hold the belief that you shouldn't promote yourself or be active in sales. You may believe that you should be humble, kind, thoughtful to people and instead give them the opportunity to speak first. During a personal growth workshop, I learned a concept called enrollment and I want to share that concept with you in this blog post.
Radio: Be An Expert In Your Field & Stop Hiding
Are you engaged and passionate about the work you're involved in? Say you have an everyday job, a plumber or electrician, jobs that are vital. Can you see how valuable your job is to people? You keep people safe, happy, with running water and electricity. That's just one example of why you must step up and be an expert in your field. Come out of hiding.
Tune in tomorrow, Thursday, December 5, 2019, at 8am and 2pm PST on to listen to the Ask Christina First Radio Show.
Converting Followers From Free To Paid
I have a client who has found success in blogging who wanted to know how he could turn his weekly email newsletter from free and convert it to a for-pay model. Like many entrepreneurs and small business owners, the thought of charging people for something makes them cringe. With the help of an article on the subject, I'm going to discuss 7-steps to helping you successfully convert your product or service from free to paid.
Radio: Converting Followers From Free To Paid
If you've garnered a loyal list of followers who read, listen to, attend, or who share free content you offer and you want to know how to convert those followers into paying clients, today's radio show is for you.
Tune in today, Thursday, November 21, 2019, at 8am and 2pm PST to learn more on the Ask Christina First Radio Show on
Tracking Your Networking & Social Media
How often are you marketing and how are you marketing? Do you use social media? Do you attend networking events? Do you advertise via print or on TV or radio? Entrepreneurs usually do grassroots marketing but how do you track it and why should you care about the tracking?
Radio: Tracking Your Networking & Social Media
Do you use social media? Do you go to places where you can network and talk to people? Do you do print, magazine, or billboard ads? Entrepreneurs often do a lot of grassroots marketing and this week on my radio show I will discuss two areas of "getting yourself out there" that can be essential to the success of your business.
Tune in today, Thursday, November 14, 2019, at 8am and 2pm PST to learn more on the Ask Christina First Radio Show on
Interviews as a Pathway to Your Clients
My mentor, Raven Blair Davis (Raven the Talkshow Maven) has a concept she calls an Interviewpreneur (Interview + Entrepreneur). Her plan covers multiple levels and this week I want to share my take on the concept she introduced to me.
On the Radio: Interviews as a Pathway to Your Clients
Interviewing other people positions you as an expert. When you interview an expert, people see you as an expert because you're the person who has to know enough to come up with the questions that pertain to the interviewee.
Tune in today, October 31, 2019, at 8am and 2pm PST to learn more on the Ask Christina First Radio Show on
Is Your Product High-End or Every Day?
Is your product (or service) high-end or every day? Knowing within which of these your product falls will help you better understand your sales cycle, product design, and product placement in the market. Do you sell Lamborghini's or do you sell books? Does your service take a lot of time and personalization or can your service be completed within minutes? Do you sell a $25 product or a $2500 product? The amount of engagement your client spends with your product determines whether your product is top-end or every day.