Business Issues

The Good-Hearted Business Owner & Customer Service

The Good-Hearted Business Owner & Customer Service
By Christina Suter on Sep 07, 2019 at 08:00 AM in Business Issues

The good-hearted business owner and what that means in different parts of your business is something I speak on often because I know I am not alone. I know plenty of you are like me, you run your business with the intention of helping others and making the world a better place.


Radio: The Good-Hearted Business Owner & Customer Service

Radio: The Good-Hearted Business Owner & Customer Service
By Christina Suter on Sep 05, 2019 at 04:00 AM in Business Issues

The good-hearted business owner and what that means in different parts of your business is something I speak on often because I know I am not alone. I know plenty of you are like me, you run your business with the intention of helping others and making the world a better place.

Tune in today, Thursday, September 5, 2019, at 8 am and 2 pm PST to on to listen to the Ask Christina First radio show.


Customer Service, You and Branding.

Customer Service, You and Branding.
By Christina Suter on Aug 24, 2019 at 06:30 AM in Business Issues

This week I'd like to discuss customer service. What does customer service mean to you? How does customer service affect your branding and the systems within your business?

One thing I'd like to begin by making clear is that customer service is not an absolute; it is not something that is done in one particular way. Thinking of customer service as an absolute can cause systems to develop that may not be appropriate for you or your business. Customer service covers how you interact with customers. From the moment a customer walks into your store or the first time they meet you.


Radio: Customer Service, You and Branding

Radio: Customer Service, You and Branding
By Christina Suter on Aug 22, 2019 at 05:00 AM in Business Issues

What does customer service mean to you? How does customer service affect your branding and the systems within your business? Customer service is not an absolute-- it's not something done in one particular way. Thinking of customer service as an absolute can cause systems to develop that may not be appropriate for you or your business.

Tune in today, Thursday, August 22, 2019, at 8 am and 2 pm PST to listen to the Ask Christina First Radio Show and hear the Customer Service, You and Branding episode on


Dealing with Urgency in Customer Service

Dealing with Urgency in Customer Service
By Christina Suter on Aug 17, 2019 at 07:00 AM in Business Issues

Every small business owner has experienced answering their business phone to a frantic customer or client with an urgent problem. I gave a talk once and had a gentleman ask me how to apply the time management tips I give when it comes to customers or clients who come to you with something urgent. If you're like me, and I'm sure you are then you know that as a small business owner it’s not uncommon for customers to call or drop by with an urgent issue, or at least an issue they consider urgent. 


Radio: Dealing with Urgency in Customer Service

Radio: Dealing with Urgency in Customer Service
By Christina Suter on Aug 15, 2019 at 03:00 AM in Business Issues

Every small business owner has experienced answering their business phone to a frantic customer or client with an urgent problem. This week on my radio show I will help you understand true urgency and how you can deliver a high level of customer service and manage your time.

Tune in today, Thursday, August 15, 2019, at 8 am and 2 pm PST to listen to the Ask Christina First Radio Show on


Good Hearted Business Owner & Systemic Systems

Good Hearted Business Owner & Systemic Systems
By Christina Suter on Aug 10, 2019 at 09:00 AM in Business Issues

Systemic systems are the systems you have inside your business, whether you're aware of them or not (inventory management, client/data management, passing information from one person to another within your team, how your accounting gets done, how your product is delivered, etc.). In relationship to branding, your systems cultivate the branding your business has. But beyond being a high or low-cost service and matching the level of customer service to my product, your systems are built around being a good-hearted owner. I suspect that your systems are built for a higher product than that which you offer. 


Radio: Good Hearted Business Owner & Systemic Systems

Radio: Good Hearted Business Owner & Systemic Systems
By Christina Suter on Aug 08, 2019 at 04:00 AM in Business Issues

Systemic systems are the systems you have inside your business, whether you're aware of them or not (inventory management, client/data management, passing information from one person to another within your team, how your accounting gets done, how your product is delivered, etc.).

Tune in today, Thursday, August 8, 2019, at 8 am and 2 pm PST to listen to the Ask Christina First Radio Show on to listen.


Inventory Management & Distribution Systems

Inventory Management & Distribution Systems
By Christina Suter on Aug 03, 2019 at 08:00 AM in Business Issues

If you run a small business you know how important it is to stay on top of and have an effective management system for your inventory. Beyond LIFO  (Last In First Out) and FIFO (First In First Out), I want to dig in to inventory. Inventory is a product that comes in when you buy and that goes out when you sell. The speed at which you turn your inventory over is money. When you bring in 3, $10 items and sell them for $20 each you’ve made $30.


Radio: Inventory Management & Distribution Systems

Radio: Inventory Management & Distribution Systems
By Christina Suter on Aug 01, 2019 at 05:00 AM in Business Issues

The speed at which you turn over your inventory is money. So whether your business runs a LIFO or FIFO inventory system, having an effective inventory system in place is crucial to your business.

Tune in today, Thursday, August 1, 2019, at 8 am and 2 pm PST on to listen to the Ask Christina First Radio Show.