Business Issues

Why Employees Move On

Why Employees Move On
By Christina Suter on Jan 13, 2018 at 08:20 AM in Business Issues

The start of a new year is usually the time when major life changes begin. For some, that may mean resolving to lose weight and eat healthier and for others that may mean starting the search for a new job or a career change. Today I wanted to revisit a topic I've spoken on before based on an article I read that included statistical information on why people move on from their jobs.


On the Radio: Why Employees Move On

On the Radio: Why Employees Move On
By Christina Suter on Jan 11, 2018 at 05:05 AM in Business Issues

A new year often brings change in many areas. Some people resolve to get into shape and others decide to make career or job changes. Today I will be discussing the topic of why employees leave and how you, as a business owner, can decrease employee turnover in the workplace.

Tune in today, Thursday, January 11, 2018, to listen to the Ask Christina First Radio show on


Using the Holidays to Expand your Business

Using the Holidays to Expand your Business
By Christina Suter on Dec 09, 2017 at 08:02 AM in Business Issues

Happy Holidays!

I wanted to talk about how you can you use the holidays to expand your business. No matter what religion you are or what your spiritual practice is, it’s the time of year for giving. Do you run a business that has giving as part of it? Do you provide a service to people? Does your product serve others by helping them do something more easily?


Radio: Using the Holidays to Expand your Business

Radio: Using the Holidays to Expand your Business
By Christina Suter on Dec 07, 2017 at 05:02 AM in Business Issues

No matter what religion you are or what your spiritual practice is, it’s the time of year for giving. Do you run a business that has giving as part of it? Do you provide a service to people? Does your product serve others by helping them do something more easily? How can you use the holidays to expand your business?

Tune in today Thursday, December 7, 2017, at 8 am and 2 pm PT to the Ask Christina First Radio Show on to listen.


Handling your Urgency

Handling your Urgency
By Christina Suter on Nov 25, 2017 at 07:20 AM in Business Issues

Are you driven by your urgency? Urgency becomes the thing that distracts you. An urgency that turns into the thing that becomes your way of interacting with the world can be devastating to your health, and the health of your business.

Urgency is detriment.


On the Radio: Handling your Urgency

On the Radio: Handling your Urgency
By Christina Suter on Nov 23, 2017 at 05:26 AM in Business Issues

Are you driven by your urgency? Is your urgency your distraction? Urgency can be devastating to your personal health and your business' health. When you're stuck on urgent you forget what is important. Today I will be talking about not getting stuck.

Tune in today, Thursday, November 23, 2017, at 8 am and 2 pm PT on to listen to the Ask Christina First Radio Show.


Your Customers Emergencies

Your Customers Emergencies
By Christina Suter on Nov 18, 2017 at 09:53 AM in Business Issues

I was at a meeting recently sharing about time management and a gentleman asked me when I was done, "What happens when you get a phone call and your customer is 'on fire' and hijacks your day?" So I wanted to write a post touching on that very question because as a small business owner you've undoubted encountered a client or customer who calls you upset or with an emergency.


On the Radio: Your Customers Emergencies

On the Radio: Your Customers Emergencies
By Christina Suter on Nov 16, 2017 at 05:21 AM in Business Issues

I was at a meeting recently sharing about time management and a gentleman asked me when I was done, "What happens when you get a phone call and your customer is 'on fire' and hijacks your day?" So I wanted to write a post touching on that very question because as a small business owner you've undoubted encountered a client or customer who calls you upset or with an emergency.

Tune in today, Thursday, November 16, 2017, on to the Ask Christina First Radio Show.


Customer Pathway

Customer Pathway
By Christina Suter on Nov 11, 2017 at 06:26 AM in Business Issues

What is your customer's pathway? Does your customer have a pathway? How do they find you? How do they get to your product? How do they purchase from you? How do they feel about you? What's their experience with you after they've purchased?

Regardless of your product, your customer's pathway is generic but it is not linear or one-dimensional. Your customer looks at your product as well as looking at you. Does their pathway touch every piece of your business?


On the Radio: Customer Pathway

On the Radio: Customer Pathway
By Christina Suter on Nov 09, 2017 at 02:57 PM in Business Issues

What is your customer's pathway? Does your customer have a pathway? How do they find you? How do they get to your product? How do they purchase from you? How do they feel about you? What's their experience with you after they've purchased? Regardless of your product, your customer's pathway is generic but it is not linear or one-dimensional. Your customer looks at your product as well as looking at you. Does their pathway touch every piece of your business?

Tune in today, Thursday, November 9, 2017, at 8 am and 2 pm PT to the Ask Christina First Radio Show on to listen.